In the middle of March, a group of JUF colleague-friends
planned a Shabbat dinner with funding from the Jewish organization One Table.
One Table provides resources for young people to celebrate Shabbat. As part of
this initiative, they sent our group a nourishment gift card so we could purchase
items from Whole Foods to make our Shabbat meal. Unfortunately, we cancelled
our Shabbat dinner due to the pandemic, but we still received the nourishment
gift card. We assumed we would all gather for Shabbat together eventually. Fast
forward to July: thanks to JUF TOV's Nourish Our Neighborhoods meal drive, we
knew we wanted to pay it forward and spend our gift card on meals for people in
need. Shabbat is all about finding meaning in mitzvahs and doing good for
others is a mitzvah we all deeply value!
-Submitted by Molly Kazan