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About JUF Right Start

JUF Right Start, the first program of its kind, was created to increase awareness and access to Jewish early childhood programs for Chicago-area families. JUF Right Start provides a financial voucher for families enrolling their children during the academic year in a Jewish infant, toddler or preschool program for the first time.

If a child is the first in a family to attend a Jewish early childhood program, that child is eligible for the JUF Right Start Signature Voucher:

  • $1,000 if the child plans on attending 2 or 3 days/week
  • $2,000 if the child plans on attending 4 or 5 days/week

To be eligible for the JUF Right Start Signature Voucher, a child must be:

  • Enrolling in a Jewish early childhood program for the first time.
  • The first child in the family to attend a Jewish early childhood program.
  • A member of a family where at least one parent identifies as Jewish.
  • Enrolling in a JUF Right Start-affiliated program during the academic year (click here for complete list.)
  • Enrolling in a class where the child attends independently* and meets at least 2 times/week
  • The deadline for submitting a JUF Right Start application is three months after the child’s start date **

A child who is not the first in the family to attend a Jewish early childhood program is eligible for a $500 JUF Right Start Sibling voucher.

To be eligible for the JUF Right Start Sibling Voucher, a child must be:

  • Enrolling in a Jewish early childhood program for the first time.
  • A sibling of a child who has already attended a Jewish early childhood program.
  • A member of a family where at least one parent identifies as Jewish.
  • Enrolling in a JUF Right Start-affiliated program during the academic year (click here for complete list.)
  • Enrolling in a class where the child attends independently* and meets at least 2 times/week.
  • The deadline for submitting a JUF Right Start application is three months after the child’s start date **

* A child attending parent/child classes does not qualify for the voucher but may apply for the voucher when he/she enrolls in a class that meets independently.

Special Notes:

  • Only one voucher per child may be redeemed.
  • The deadline for submitting a JUF Right Start application is within three months of the child’s start date.
  • JUF Right Start vouchers are gifted according to the academic year start date.
  • If more than one child in the immediate family plans on enrolling simultaneously (for the first time) families are eligible for one Signature Voucher and one Sibling Voucher.
  • Twins/multiples are eligible for the Signature Vouchers (if they are your first children). If your twins/multiples are not your first child, they are eligible for the Sibling Voucher. When applying for twins/multiples, please fill out a separate application for each child.

JUF Right Start™ is a gift to families from the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago thanks to the generosity of the Harvey L. Miller Supporting Foundation, The Crown Family, The Shraiberg Family in Memory of Miriam Shraiberg, Steven B. Nasatir New Directions Fund and other local donors.

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Want to know more about your Jewish Early Childhood options? JUF Right Start is happy to talk to you about your choices. A staff member is available for on-line, phone and in-person consultations.

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JUF Right Start today

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