Summer Camps, Youth Movements, Teen Groups

In collaboration with the IEC, these pre-college programs create a lasting bridge between grade school, high school students and Israel through educational and advocacy programs. As part of their journey in connecting with Israel, we are able to offer a continuum of opportunities as they progress into college and beyond.

Summer Camps

Camp Ramah: The IEC supports the Israel Education Project at Camp Ramah which trains counselors to incorporate Israel education through the unique lens of summer camp.

Jewish youth movements and teen groups

The Israel Education Center provides funding and plays an advisory role in planning programs with the youth movements and teen groups. Special activities such as Excursion Days or guest lecturers with groups including Shorashim, Jewish Student Connection and others are made possible through funding from IEC.

"Every effort that is made on campus goes a long way toward winning the war of public opinion. College students are going to be leaders of tomorrow. It’s very important that they understand what’s really going on in Israel."

— Guest Lecturer

Real Stories. Changed Lives.

Highlights of personal stories and lives impacted by the opportunities offered through JUF's Israel Education Center. Read the Blog.

Ask an Israel Educator.

Got questions? Get answers here. Find out more about the IEC and ways to connect with Israel. Email IEC.

Funding Request Form

If you would like to initiate a campus program about Israel, apply for funding here.