
We convene diverse groups of students, faculty, and other Israel-related organizations.

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    We are inclusive

    We support a full spectrum of Israel student groups and multiple pro-Israel organizations that fall within the boundaries of supporting Israel's right to live in peace and security as a Jewish and democratic state.

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    We unite interests

    • Interfaith experiences
    • Study Abroad Symposium
    • Faculty Advisory Group

"I am not Jewish, but the IEC has profoundly impacted me and my campus by making Israel education accessible to all those who want to learn about and support the Jewish homeland."

— Student Leader

Real Stories. Changed Lives.

Highlights of personal stories and lives impacted by the opportunities offered through JUF's Israel Education Center. Read the Blog.

Ask an Israel Educator.

Got questions? Get answers here. Find out more about the IEC and ways to connect with Israel. Email IEC.

Funding Request Form

If you would like to initiate a campus program about Israel, apply for funding here.