jBaby & PJ Library | Sunday Funday, Family Playdate | City

Registration is currently closed. Please email Jess at JessicaZipkin@juf.org for more information.

For more information, please contact Jessica Zipkin at 312-357-4905 or JessicaZipkin@juf.org. We hope to see you there!


Join Jess for her first event with jBaby! Please join us for a Sunday Funday Family Playdate for families with children of all ages. Meet new neighbors and catchup with old friends - Popsicles and juice will be on hand, please remember to bring a bathing suit and towel if your kids plan to play in the water.


Sunday, June 30, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

   Add to Calendar 6/30/2024 10:00 AM 6/30/2024 10:00 AM jBaby & PJ Library | Sunday Funday, Family Playdate | City Join Jess for her first event with jBaby! Please join us for a Sunday Funday Family Playdate for families with children of all ages. Meet new neighbors and catchup with old friends - Popsicles and juice will be on hand, please remember to bring a bathing suit and towel if your kids plan to play in the water. Margaret Donahue Park, 1230 W School St. Chicago , IL 60657 America/Chicago aJDQHnqeczhbrdMxAmSw50667


Margaret Donahue Park
1230 W School St. Chicago , IL 60657


No Charge


Jessica Zipkin at JessicaZipkin@juf.org or at 312-357-4905.