JUF Young Families Celebrates Rosh Hashanah

Registration has closed for this event. Please contact youngfamilies@juf.org for more information.

For more information, please contact JUF Young Families at 312-357-4905 or youngfamilies@juf.org. We hope to see you there!


Celebrate Rosh Hashanah at Honey Bee Gardens Farm, a unique family farm and animal sanctuary. Visit with all the farm animals (horses, bunnies, goats, cats, dogs, and May the Pig!), take a turn fishing in the lake, explore the amazing nature playground, groove to Rosh Hashanah tunes, and watch the bees in the active hive make honey, just in time for a sweet New Year!

As a special treat, Daniel Tiger will be on hand in his trolley to transport families from a nearby parking lot to the garden, as parking on-site is limited. Daniel will pose for pictures and we will use the opportunity to talk about starting the New Year off as a kind and helpful neighbor!

Your registration fee covers all activities and admission to the garden for your entire family, plus snacks and a small jar of honey to take home.


Sunday, September 29, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM

   Add to Calendar 9/29/2024 3:30 PM 9/29/2024 3:30 PM JUF Young Families Celebrates Rosh Hashanah Celebrate Rosh Hashanah at Honey Bee Gardens Farm, a unique family farm and animal sanctuary. Visit with all the farm animals (horses, bunnies, goats, cats, dogs, and May the Pig!), take a turn fishing in the lake, explore the amazing nature playground, groove to Rosh Hashanah tunes, and watch the bees in the active hive make honey, just in time for a sweet New Year! As a special treat, Daniel Tiger will be on hand in his trolley to transport families from a nearby parking lot to the garden, as parking on-site is limited. Daniel will pose for pictures and we will use the opportunity to talk about starting the New Year off as a kind and helpful neighbor! Your registration fee covers all activities and admission to the garden for your entire family, plus snacks and a small jar of honey to take home. Honey Bee Gardens Farm, 8405 Kearney Rd Downers Grove, IL 60516 America/Chicago aJDQHnqeczhbrdMxAmSw50667


Honey Bee Gardens Farm
8405 Kearney Rd Downers Grove, IL 60516


$25.00 per/family


JUF Young Families at youngfamilies@juf.org or at 312-357-4905.