Jewish Word Glossary
Glossary Key
abbr. = abbreviated esp .= especially Heb. = Hebrew lit. = literally n = noun |
pl. = plural pron. = pronounced usu. = usually v = verb Yid. = Yiddish |
A |
B | C
| D |
E | F
| G |
H | I
| J | K |
M |
N | O
| P |
R | S
| T |
U | V
| W | X | Y
| Z
- HaAretz
- lit.=the land: The Land of Israel
- habibi
- lit.=the one I like: "My good friend"
- hachlatah
- resolution of a religious-observance debate
- hachnasat orchim
- the welcoming of guests; hospitality
- hader
- (Heb.) pride
- hadasim
- myrtle leaves, used on Succot
- hadlakah
- kindling, lighting candles
- Haftarah
- after Torah reading, a reading from Prophets, usu. related in content or theme to parsha just read (not related to the words "half" or "Torah")
- hagbah
- raising and display of the Torah scroll after reading
- Hadassah
- U.S.-based Jewish women's organization
- Haggadah
- Pesach guidebook, used during Seder
- hakafot
- dances around bimah on Succot [n]
- hakarat hatov
- lit.=the recognition of the good: gratitude, appreciation, esp. in public
- hak'n a chainik
- lit.=banging a kettle: annoying [v]
- halachah
- lit.=walking: Jewish law
- "Ha-levai!"
- (Yid.) "If only!"
- Hallel
- holiday prayer of thanks-giving Psalms
- halvah
- sesame candy
- hamentash(en)
- Purim cookie(s), filled with fruit or poppyseeds
- HaMotzi
- the blessing over bread
- hano'oh
- benefit, pleasure
- HaShem
- The Name (in place of G-d's actual Name)
- hashkafah
- philosophy; religious "stream," esp. of Orthodoxy
- hashkavot
- Sephardi Yizkor prayers
- hashgachah
- lit.=supervison: kashrut certification
- hashgachah pratis
- lit.=detailed supervision: Divine providence or intervention
- Haskala
- 19th cent. European Jewish "Enlightenment"
- HaTikvah
- lit.=The Hope: Israel's anthem
- hatzlachah
- success, prosperity (often used as a farewell: "B'hatzlacha!")
- hava amina/ havamina
- the slightest doubt, anything less than absolute certainty
- Havdala
- prayer bidding farewell to Shabbat
- haymish
- lit.=home-like: friendly, joyous
- hefker
- abandoned, ownerless
- hespid
- eulogy
- Herzl, Theodor
- early Zionist, Hebrew-language proponent
- heter
- expemption, waiver, usu. of halachah, for extenuating circumstances
- hitsik
- (Yid.) hot-headed, short-tempered
- Holocaust
- (always capitalized when referring to WWII Jewish genocide)
- hondle
- lit.=handle: bargain [v]
- hora
- fast, festive circle-dance
- hoshanah
- prayer for hakafot
- Hoshanah Rabbah
- holiday at end of Succot
- hummus
- chick-pea paste, a Mid-Eastern dish