Jewish Word Glossary
Glossary Key
abbr. = abbreviated esp .= especially Heb. = Hebrew lit. = literally n = noun |
pl. = plural pron. = pronounced usu. = usually v = verb Yid. = Yiddish |
A |
B | C
| D |
E | F
| G |
H | I
| J | K |
M |
N | O
| P |
R | S
| T |
U | V
| W | X | Y
| Z
- za'atar
- an Israeli spice
- zachor
- remember
- zaftig
- (Yid.) juicy
- zecher
- in remembrance of
- "Zecher tzadik livracha" (abbr. zt"l)
- "(May) the memory of the righteous (be) for a blessing." Said of deceased rabbis
- zechut
- merit, worth.
- zeide
- (Yid.) grandfather
- zetz
- (Yid.) jab, poke (can be pysical or verbal)
- zhlub
- (Yid.) slob
- "Zichrono livracha" (abbr. z"l)
- "(May) his/her memory (be) for a blessing." Said of the deceased
- zieskeit
- lit.=sweetness: sweetheart
- zmirah (pl. zmirot)
- Shabbat song
- zoch
- (Yid.) illness
- zoche
- deserving or worthy of... (Adjective form of "zechut")
- Zohar
- major tract of Kabbalah
- zokein
- lit.=bearded: elderly one
- "Zol zein!"
- lit.="Let it be! That's all!"
- "Zug nisht!"
- lit.=say nothing: (Yid.) "It's a secret, not a word!"; "No more out of you!"
- zvug
- soulmate, destined one