

(nee Shapira), 89. Beloved wife of the late Howard. Devoted mother of Ellen (Joel) Feldman and Laurie Barron (Michael). Cherished grandmother of Ilana Beth (Jeffrey) Gross, Rebecca Leah (Robert) Schur; and Samuel Martin and Hannah Ada Yelnosky. Dear sister of the late Corinne (late Paul) Leopold. Caring sister-in-law of the late Barbara (Bernard) Baum. Treasured aunt of Mark (Jacque) and Robert (Wanda) Leopold; Kathy (Stephen) Rosenblat, and Richard (Wendy) Baum. Loving daughter of the late Lillian and Richard Shapira. Fond daughter-in-law of the late Ada and Irwin Barron. Silver Circle member of the Jewish United Fund. Memorials to the Vision for Tomorrow Foundation or the Alzheimer's Association Illinois Chapter. Weinstein & Piser Funeral Home.


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Posted: 6/19/2020 3:53:21 PM

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