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Springboard Blog

Tomer Eres: A Dramedy in 3 Acts

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Tomer Eres

Act 1:

Scene 1

(The curtain opens to reveal a hospital in Dayton, OH)

A young Israeli couple emerges the hospital with a new baby. They named him Tomer – unaware of how difficult life will be growing up in the south with an Israeli name. They celebrate the birth of their second (and clearly favorite) son, before returning home to their firstborn, who requests they return the new baby to sender. Scene.

Scene 2

(14 Years Later; Lexington, KY)

The now high-school aged Tomer begins to take voice lessons, discovering a passion for music and singing. Tomer becomes heavily involved in USY, attending conventions, organizing services for the region, and traveling to Israel at any opportunity. Tomer is accepted to the University of Michigan School of Music; On a family trip to Israel, Tomer is told that he hasn’t been released from military duty, and interviews on a military base to prove that he is the American child of Israeli’s and has plans to go to college.  

Act 2:

Scene 1

(The curtain opens to a beautiful fall in Ann Arbor, MI)

Tomer begins his studies at the University of Michigan, taking voice lessons, studying Italian, French, German, and Czech. Four years fly by in a whirl of classes, parties, and performances, culminating in his first operatic role. Tomer finishes his degree and accepts an offer to pursue his Master’s degree at the University of Houston.

Scene 2

(The fall of 2016 in humid, hot Houston, TX)

Tomer begins pursuing his Masters degree at the University of Houston. During this time, Tomer begins exploring his love of baking, inspired by “The Great British Baking Show,” his grandmother, and a great heritage of Jewish baked goods. Upon completing his degree, Tomer starts teaching voice lessons, religious school, and tutors b’nei mitzvah students at Congregation Emanu El. A friend convinces Tomer that he should go on Birthright; It is a life-changing experience, and upon his return Tomer becomes heavily involved in the Houston Hillel’s young professional organization: Jewston.

Act 3:

Scene 1

(August 2019, Chicago, IL)

Tomer moves to Chicago, Illinois on a whim! The JUF asks him to take on a role as the Israel Education Associate for their Ta’am Yisrael program. Tomer enthusiastically accepts the position! He is so excited to begin working with this amazing program, which offers an opportunity like no other, and hopes that everyone who can will join him in taking their own taste of Israel.
