JUF Uptown Cafe On Call List

Sign up to be contacted via email when TOV has last minute volunteer cancellations. Volunteers between 12 and 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Please note, due to Cafe policy, if you have been a client of EZRA, you are unable to volunteer at the JUF Uptown Cafe. Please enter the name and contact information for the adult in the Additional Volunteers field.

*Indicates required field

* Please note, you will be informed of all shifts needing volunteers. We do our best to limit the number of emergency emails sent out. You’re under no obligation to volunteer; please respond if available.

JUF Volunteer Policy
The Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago is proud to support and operate a wide variety of programs and services in our community. These programs have important, inclusive elements to them and frequently focus on vulnerable populations. To help ensure the best experience for program clients and volunteers, JUF reserves the right and sole discretion to select or deny groups or individuals from volunteering at our programs, including but not limited to those which harbor views antagonistic or inimical towards Judaism, Jews and the Jewish people.