Congrats to our Volunteer of the Month: Tony Shir! We couldn't do what we do without the help of our incredible volunteers like you.
Tony has been volunteering with TOV for the past 4 years. Tony is one of our site leaders for
Feed Chicago this year. We wanted to get to know Tony a little bit more, so he answered some of our questions below.
1. How did you first get involved with TOV/JUF?
The federation sent out emails inviting people to get involved and to volunteer their time. This is just my way of giving back.
2. What makes it important for you to volunteer through TOV?
When I emigrated to US
The ARK,
JVS and several other organizations assisted us in getting us on our feet.
3. Are there any fun facts about you that we might not know? Feel free to also share a story or experience that has inspired you.
Shortly after my family emigrated to Chicago my father need to take the drivers test but he had no car. You can't purchase or lease a car without a drivers license and you can't take the drivers license test without a car. It's the classic chicken or the egg problem. The family that had sponsored
us to come to the United States let my father borrow the car on the parking lot of the DMV, allowing him to take the drivers test so that ultimately he could start working as an electrician. It was at that point that I realized the importance of community and how a small mitzvah can go a long way.
We are so lucky to have Tony as part of our TOV family! To learn more about JUF's important work in the community, sign up to volunteer, or make a donation in Tony's honor, please visit
our website.