Sample Itinerary
Day 1: Arrival
Israeli participants welcome you. Together you travel south to the desert to begin your 10-day adventure!
Travel North to the Galilee and Golan
Opening Ceremony Start off your trip with a ceremony at an overlook of the Sea of Galilee.
Check in and Relax at the Hotel
Har Bental Take a short hike to a peak of the Golan Heights, with an overview of the Israel/Syria border.
Orientation Program You and your Israeli peers begin to learn about each other and review the goals and highlights of the program.
Overnight: Kibbutz Merom Golan Guest Houseewa
Day 2: The Golan: Issues of Security and Ideology
Tzfat Wind through the blue-painted alleys of this mystical city and learn about the origins of the Kabballah, the famous rabbis that lived here, and artist community that remains.
Water Hike in the Jilaboon Hike along a stream in the Golan - an important tributary to the Sea of Galilee. Learn about the historic significance and the geological intricacies of the Golan.
Hamat Gader Relax in the natural hot springs along the Yarmuk River. Explore the ancient baths that date back to the second century.
Overnight: Kibbutz Merom Golan Guest House
Day 3: The People Who Made Modern Israel
Mitzpe Gadot Start the day with an overlook of the Hula Valley and learn about how the Zionist movement transformed a swamp into fertile land. See a Syrian bunker that prior to 1967 served as a an outpost to fire at Kibbutzim below.
Hike down Mt. Arbel Lookout over the entire Galilee onto the Golan Heights and climb down the cliffs on the shores of the sea of Galilee, stopping to explore ancient caves along the way.
Travel to Tel Aviv
Independence Museum The site where David Ben Gurion declared the Independence of the State of Israel. Learn about the challenges and emotion of that historic moment.
Yitzhak Rabin Square Learn about the life & legacy of Israel's Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Israelis share with you their memories of his assassination and discuss the impact of his legacy on Israel.
Evening Walk through the Streets of Old Jaffa Stroll through the art galleries and eat some of Jaffa's famous humus while getting a glimpse into Tel Aviv night life.
Overnight: Sea Net Hotel - Tel Aviv
Day 4: Yerushalayim shel Zahav - Jerusalem of Gold
Travel to Jerusalem
Sataf Enjoy a leisurely hike through the outskirts of Jerusalem with many panoramic views.
Givat HaCampusim Ecological activity in the forests outside of Jerusalem.
Old City of Jerusalem - Jewish Quarter Explore the vast history within the walls of the ancient city. Share in the legacy of Jewish life spanning generations.
Western Wall Visit the wall and leave a note of prayer. Continue on a walking tour of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.
Western Wall Tunnels Visit the excavation of the Temple Mount hundreds of feet below the Old City.
Overnight: Shalom Hotel – Jerusalem
Day 5: Jewish Learning/Jewish Memory
Yad Vashem Israel's Holocaust Memorial on Mt. Herzl - Participants with relatives that are survivors share their stories. Israelis share the impact that the Holocaust has on their life in Israel. Learn about the collective and the individual ways that Holocaust memory is preserved in Israel.
Bikur Holim Community service activity at a local hospital in preparation for Shabbat.
Time for Shopping at the Jerusalem Pedestrian Mall
Kabbalat Shabbat Experience the uniqueness of Shabbat in Jerusalem. Enjoy a festive Shabbat meal & singing.
Overnight: Shalom Hotel – Jerusalem
Day 6: Mah Yafeh Hayom - Shabbat Shalom
T'filot/Worship Options
Discussion on Parashat Hashavua (Weekly Torah Portion)
Shabbat Lunch
Walking Tour of Jerusalem Neighborhoods
Jerusalem at night Take in the sights and sounds of Jerusalem's popular downtown area
Overnight: Shalom Hotel – Jerusalem
Day 7: The Beauty of the Desert
Travel South to the Negev Desert
Hike through the Natural Cliff Formations at the Ein Uvdat Preserve Learn about the ancient significance of this desert oasis, and prepare for a brief, but challenging ascent out of the gorge!
Sde Boker Visit the former home of David Ben Gurion, Israel's first Prime Minister. Learn about Ben Gurion and his passion for cultivating Israel's desert.
Desert Camel Trek On the back of a camel, enjoy the far reaches of the Negev desert.
Bedouin Hospitality Meal Enjoy a feast while learning about Bedouin life & culture.
Overnight: Ha'an Hashayarut Bedouin Tents
Day 8: Let the Desert Bloom...
Sunrise on Masada Hear the story of the heroic struggle of the Jewish People on Masada. Learn about the historical and contemporary significance.
Dead Sea Your chance to float in the Dead Sea - the lowest place on earth!
Overlook at Machtesh Ramon - the largest naturally-formed crater in the world
Overnight: Kibbutz Ein Gedi
Day 9: The Challenge of the Desert
Hike in Nahal Hawarim - Enjoy this hike through one of the most beautiful desert landscapes in Israel
Agriculture in the Desert - Visit this farm at the forefront of farming technology in the middle of the Negev Desert and sample the flavors of the desert!
Return to Jerusalem
Har Herzl Israeli peers lead you through Israel's military cemetery. They talk about the impact of army and war on their lives, and share stories of Israeli dignitaries, and of their own friends who are buried there.
Evening Cultural Program and Dinner
Overnight: Shalom Hotel – Jerusalem
Day 10: L'hitraot - Until We Meet Again...
Time to relax, shop, and say goodbye to friends
Final Discussion and Dinner
Return to the Old City and the Western Wall A chance to leave a final note of prayer and to see it again before you leave this special place.