Center For Russian Speakers (CRS)

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In order to reduce isolation and support the needs of Chicago's Russian speaking immigrant community, EZRA's Center for Russian Speakers (CRS) provides educational, cultural, and social opportunities to individuals whose primary language is Russian. CRS offers concerts, theater, lectures, bus tours, holiday celebrations and Jewish programming. Our skill-building offerings include ESL, computer literacy, and more. Other available services are connections to benefits, advocacy on behalf of our clients, case management, and appropriate referrals in times of crisis.

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people participated in skill building, cultural and Jewish programs

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262 programs were hosted by CRS for the Russian Speaking community

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CRS clients worked with an EZRA case manager

  • Are you looking to connect to others whose primary language is Russian and to enjoy cultural programs such as concerts, lectures, field trips and more?
  • Are you looking to improve your English language or computer skills?
  • Are you looking for help with public benefits?

[CRS] is a part of my life. I‘m very happy with classes and all events, I’m very happy with Case Managers. They solve all problems quickly.

  • Do you speak Russian? Are you looking for a way to give back to give back to the Russian speaking community?

I would like to be connected to this organization on a regular basis because it allows me to be connected to other people!

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