The Jewish Women's Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago seeks to expand and improve opportunities and choices in all aspects of Jewish women's and girls' lives through strategic and effective grantmaking. The Foundation empowers Jewish women as leaders, funders, and decision-makers.
The Foundation strives for a just world in which every Jewish woman and girl is empowered to reach her full potential.
The Jewish Women's Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago believes in:
- Leading through bold, innovative grantmaking that effects positive social change for Jewish women and girls.
- Engaging Jewish women in dynamic, collaborative philanthropy through a democratic, inclusive, and hands-on grantmaking process.
- Advancing gender equity.
- Learning, advocating, and addressing the issues that challenge Jewish women and girls today.
- Providing Jewish women with meaningful, multi-generational involvement at the philanthropic table.
- Building partnerships and pooling resources to leverage our shared commitment to expand opportunities for women and girls.
- To transform the lives of individual Jewish women and girls through grantmaking and advocacy to further social change and strengthen families and communities.
- To advance the quality of life for Jewish women and girls by investing in their security, safety and well-being, and overall potential.
- To provide women a seat at the philanthropic table and serve as a forum for Jewish women to be heard, to learn, and to act.
- To mobilize our collective power to promote justice, equality, and empowerment for women and girls in our community and across the globe.
- To unite the passion, wisdom, and experience of a multi-generational community of Jewish women serving as catalysts for change.
- To support Jewish women as leaders in changing the landscape for Jewish women and girls now and in the future.
- To leverage our combined resources, form strategic partnerships, and build momentum on key issues impacting Jewish women and girls.
- To utilize a gender lens and a Jewish lens in all of our work.