Customized Projects

Customized Projects

Thanks so much for your interest in TOV's Volunteer Concierge service! Our team is here to help with your special event. Whether its a family outing, a service project with colleagues, a bar/bat mitzvah party, or anything in between, our goal is to make your planning process easier.

Fill out the form below and someone from our team will respond to you within one week. After the initial intake, a TOV professional will get to work on your customized project! If communication ceases for two weeks without notice, before the project is confirmed, TOV will assume that you are no longer interested and stop working on your project. In order for us to find you the best opportunity, we ask that you contact us as far in advance as possible, but at least one month prior to your event date. We cannot guarantee anything without enough notice.

Volunteer Concierge is a grant funded program and we are collecting data on how to improve our services! A brief online survey will be sent to you after your project takes place. Please fill out the survey and let us know what you thought about your experience. We thank you in advance.

If you’re seeking multiple opportunities or looking to volunteer on an ongoing basis, fill out our Volunteer Interest Form and we’ll set you up with some referrals.

Your Information * Indicates required field

JUF Volunteer Policy
The Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago is proud to support and operate a wide variety of programs and services in our community. These programs have important, inclusive elements to them and frequently focus on vulnerable populations. To help ensure the best experience for program clients and volunteers, JUF reserves the right and sole discretion to select or deny groups or individuals from volunteering at our programs, including but not limited to those which harbor views antagonistic or inimical towards Judaism, Jews and the Jewish people.