Seasonal Holiday Offerings


Celebrate Purim 2024

Grab your groggers - it's time to celebrate Purim! 

  • Shabbat Yeladim - Purim Celebration | 3.1 | 5:30 PM | Temple Beth-El | Northbrook | A fun Shabbat experience for families with children 2nd grade & younger at Temple Beth-El. Older siblings and grandparents are welcome to attend & participate. Join us as we celebrate Purim and make special masks for the upcoming holiday. Come dressed in your favorite super hero (or any) costume!

  • Adult and Tot Make and Take: Purim Mask & Grogger | 3.10 | 9:30 AM (ages 0-2) 10:30 AM (ages 3-5) | Kol Hadash | Deerfield | Adults & Tots join Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation with Rabbi Adam Chalom for holiday stories, songs, crafts and fun! Each child will decorate their own special object (something different each month) to take home making the holiday personally meaningful. There is time for adults to schmooze (chat) and connect with other parents with young children. And, we will have a holiday-themed snack. 

  • jBaby Purim Prep Party | 3.10 | 10 AM | Congregation Kneseth Israel | Elgin | Let's get ready for Purim! Make DIY groggers and play dough hamantaschen, read Purim stories, eat (real) hamantaschen and other goodies, and play with new friends. Costumes are encouraged!

  • Shushan Shuffle 5K | 3.17 | 9 AM | Temple Jeremiah | Northfield | On Sunday, March 17th, our day of Purim activities begins with the 21st Annual Shushan Shuffle 5K Run/Walk! Start Purim off with a great workout for a great cause. Run or walk with other Temple Jeremiah members. Bring your friends! Proceeds from this run/walk will benefit SHALVA. For questions, contact Danny Glassman or 847.441.5760 ext. 102. SHALVA's mission is to promote tranquility and safety in Jewish homes and relationships through the prevention and alleviation of domestic abuse.

  • Purim at the Palace with Stages | 3.17 | 9 AM | Beth Judea | Long Grove | FREE for the Purim at the Palace and all are welcome to stay for the Carnival (tot hour 9:45-10:45am, $25 wristbands)

  • Purim Shpiel and Carnival | 3.17 | 10 AM | Congregation BJBE | Deerfield | Carnival pricing is $18 per individual or $36 for a family. Our carnival includes options to purchase food: pizza (with a gluten free option), chips, soda, popcorn, and cotton candy. A low-sensory games and crafts space ensures that all participants can enjoy themselves.

  • Music and Story of Purim | 3.17 | 10:30 AM | Temple Jeremiah | Northfield | Join Temple Jeremiah for our mini Purim Spiel with music, the story of Purim, and some costume fun! It's free to attend and immediately precedes our Purim Carnival!

  • K'ilu Back in Time Purim Adventure | 3.17 | 3:30 PM | JRC | Evanston | Back-in-Time Purim Adventure – Open to everyone! For 3 to 8 year olds and their families Presented by The K’ilu Company Travel back in time to help Queen Esther save the Jewish people of Shushan in this interactive theatrical adventure that brings the Purim story to life through immersive storytelling, music, movement and play. This incredible, interactive, imaginative theater-based program is brought to JRC by the K’ilu Company, which specializes in early childhood play. This story-focused program is designed for families of all backgrounds.

  • jBaby Purim Meet-Up: Costumes and Coffee | 3.23 | 10 AM | Soul Good Coffee at Sketchbook | Skokie | Ring in Purim with us at Soul Good Coffee (located inside Sketchbook Brewery). Spend a cozy morning celebrating with jBaby families, enjoy a delicious cup of coffee or tea, and take advantage of the perfect family photo opp (costumes encouraged for babies, toddlers and grown-ups). One complimentary beverage from Soul Good per grown-up, Hamantashan and festive crafts will be provided.

  • jBaby Tot Purim Playdate | 3.23 | 10 AM | KAM Isaiah Israel | Hyde Park | Join us for a Tot friendly (geared towards ages 0-4) for a Purim Playdate! Enjoy some hamantaschen, dress up your tots, and enjoy a craft. Mishloach minot (take home goodie bags) for adults will also be provided.

  • RJD Purim Party Family Celebration | 3.23 | 10:30 AM | Weinger JCC | Northbrook | Who doesn't like to dress up and make friends and family giggle? One of the mitzvot of Purim is to be joyful! We invite you and your children to immerse yourselves in this holiday beloved by all children. Put on your costumes and come have fun with us. Music, sweets, dancing, crafting will make for a memorable experience for your children.

  • ASBI Purim Extravaganza | 3.24 | 4:15 PM | Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel | Lakeview | Community members of all ages are invited to join us for a festive Purim afternoon on Sunday, March 24th. Be sure to wear your costumes! We'll start with activities for kids, followed by Megillah reading, and then a festive Purim meal for all ages!
  • Young Families Purim Spiel & Havdallah with Stages Chicago | 3.23 | 4:30 PM | Or Shalom | Vernon Hills | We are thrilled to welcome Stages Chicago to Or Shalom for Purim! Stages Chicago is an arts education program founded in 2016 that is dedicated to bringing the highest quality, developmentally appropriate performing arts experiences to children and families. Stages will present the story of Purim through showtunes we all know and love. Get ready to sing your heart out, laugh, and dance along with the talented cast and your Or Shalom friends. After the show, we will enjoy Havdallah and a pizza dinner together. This event is free of cost thanks to the generosity of JUF Chicago and PJ Library. Members AND non-members are welcome with registration.

  • Megilah Reading, Costume Parade & Carnival | 3.24 | 9 AM | Megillah reading and costume parade at 9:00 followed by carnival at 10:00. Superdawg lunch beginning at 11:00.

  • PurimFest at JRC | 3.24 | 10 AM | JRC | Evanston | Celebrate Purim with our fun, laid back Purim event for families! We'll start with some Megillah, songs, and costume parade, and then, play fun games. Don't miss hamantaschen baked by JRC members.

  • Young Family Purim Schpiel and Carnival | 3.24 | 10:30 AM | Beth Emet | Evanston | Celebrate Purim at Beth Emet! Enjoy an (age appropriate) Purim schpiel with lots of singing, and everyone is invited to wear costumes. Afterwards, the Purim Carnival opens for Young Families, and lunch is available too. Everyone is welcome!

  • jBaby Purim Party! | 3.24 | 10:30 AM | Bubbles Academy | Highland Park | On Purim we read the story of brave Queen Esther and celebrate with raucous joy! Join the festivities with jBaby North Suburban Ambassadors at Bubbles Academy, Highland Park. You bring the cute baby in costume and leave the groggers (noisemakers), hamantaschen (triangle cookies) and mishloach minot (take home goodie bags) to us! This Purim celebration is geared toward families with children 0-2 years old.

  • Purim with Israel | 3.24 | 5 PM | Chabad South Loop | Purim is a very happy and festive time where we celebrate the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia. This holiday is a powerhouse of joy and brings blessing to the entire year. Right now we can definitely benefit from tapping into these themes of triumph, joy and blessing. Join us as we celebrate this special holiday! In solidarity with Israel, highlights include a delicious Israeli Shawarma & Falafel Bar, Israeli wines, L'chaims, Multimedia Megillah reading, great company and an opportunity to send letters to our dear Israeli soldiers. A fun custom of the holiday is to wear costumes - come dressed up if you'd like!

“We especially love attending the weekend events, as they give us a chance to socialize with new friends and engage in Jewish holidays with our son.”

jBaby Chicago Parent