JUF grants make Jewish summer overnight camps more affordable

New program created to support Jewish youth

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The Jewish summer camp movement emerged in the late 19 th century to provide Jewish children respite from cramped urban areas, a chance to enjoy being a kid, and a place to live as Jews. In the wake of the Holocaust, these camps became even more focused on maintaining and sustaining Jewish culture and tradition.

Today, Jewish overnight camps continue to play an important role in the lives of many American Jews as they foster connections among Jewish children and provide safe places to express Jewish identity, which is even more important amidst the rise in antisemitism. 

In recognition of their importance to the well-being of Jewish children and to the Jewish community more broadly, JUF provides grants to families to help with the cost of Jewish overnight camps. First year campers attending an eligible camp for 12 days or longer are eligible for a grant through the JUF Camping Initiative. One Happy Camper grants are need-blind and provide up to $1,000 to Jewish children who do not attend Jewish schools. The Camp Coupon program provides grants up to $500 for children enrolled in Jewish day schools. Campers must be registered at an approved camp to receive these funds.

In addition, JUF also offers financial need-based grants through our Jewish Residential Camp Scholarship program. To qualify, campers from the Chicagoland area must be registered at a participating camp. Eligible camps are in the Midwest, have strong ties to the metropolitan area, and provide a Jewish educational component. Eligible families receive application information directly from the camp, and applications are typically due in mid-February. 

For more information about any of these programs, please emailJewishCamp@juf.org.


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