Student activist obsession with Israel manifests in 'Disorientation Guides'

To counter the traditional orientation guides distributed to freshmen, student activists at multiple universities across the country have created "Disorientation Guides" to provide incoming students with information about radical activism on campus. 

Nearly every disorientation guide demonizes Israel as an apartheid state, advocates for the BDS movement, and encourages students to become involved with anti-Israel organizations, such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). 

In a guide published by students at New York University,  the college's Tel Aviv campus is referred to as an "imperial project."

At Tufts University,  students described the campus Hillel as an "organization that supports a white supremacist state."  Students also accused Hillel of "exploit[ing] black voices for their own pro-Israel agenda" after the organization invited Trayvon Martin's parents to speak about gun violence.

Radical activists' obsession with Israel manifests in the disorientation guides. In the NYU guide, "Israel is mentioned 55 times. That's more than the number of references to 'Trump,' 'alt-right,' 'racism,' 'fascism,' 'white supremacy,' and 'socialism' combined,"  the Washington Free Beacon reported.


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